Mezuzahs Stolen From Campus Dorms & Doors Defaced, Shocking Response From The College


Amidst reports of stolen Mezuzahs and swastika graffiti near Smith College’s campus, the school’s president responded by condemning Islamophobia and proposing an advisory committee to explore divesting from companies associated with the IDF.

Read the statement below which we sent out by the college golding the hate in campus targeting JEWS:


Professor David Bernstein: “I think it’s time to say that when you respond to a specifically antisemitic incident by condemning antisemitismandislamaphobia, you have exacerbated the original antisemitism by not taking seriously what happened, and instead placating antisemites who think that addressing antisemitism as such is problematic.
But this one is even worse than usual, by noting that Smith is considering a request to divest from Israel, as if that’s somehow a proper response to an antisemitic incident as opposed to encouraging antisemitism.”

“If a racist incident against black people occurs, I don’t expect or want the school to denounce “racism and antisemitism.” Or, as the case may be “homophobia and antisemitism,” “misogyny and antisemitism,” “xenophobia and antisemitism,” or “anti-Islam and antisemitism.” And they don’t. So why does antisemitism need to be paired with “Islamaphobia?””


  1. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again: By FBI statistics, anti-Sikh hate is per capita higher than “Islamophobia.” So talking about Islamophobia in the same breath as antisemitism is not Intended to just “talk about all forms of hatred” – it’s a gaslight intended to distract from the actual issue of antisemitism. As Prof. Bernstein said: they’ve invented “antisemitismandislamaphobia” so they can avoid dealing with antisemitism.

    Everyone wants to BE an antisemite. But nobody wants to be CALLED an antisemite. This is a wonderful example of that.

  2. How many committees do this college need? How many professors and rabbis , Islam students phd on middle east…. This is such an insult to every Jewish person everywhere!! Call this horrifying incident what it is !! Antisemitism

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