Steven Spielberg Speaks Out Against Extremism & Commemorates Holocaust Survivors at USC Ceremony


Famous Jewish filmmaker Steven Spielberg, who has had a vocal stance on the October 7th massacre, reiterated his condemnation of Hamas during a ceremony at USC. The event honored the 56,000 Holocaust survivors who provided testimony to the USC Shoah Foundation, which Spielberg established thirty years ago.

Thirty survivors attended the ceremony, where Spielberg and his wife were recognized for their contributions. Addressing the audience, Spielberg expressed concern about the rise of extremism on college campuses and emphasized the importance of remembering history to prevent its repetition.

“We see every day how the machinery of extremism is being used on college campuses…Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it…I am increasingly alarmed that we may be condemned to repeat history, to once again have to fight for the very right to be Jewish,” Spielberg said.

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