Solution for Children of Visa Holders


Baltimore Jewish Life via Chaimvchessed

Published November 18, 2021 9:49 AM IST

Chaim V’Chessed has reported extensively on the issue of entry to Israel for children of visa holders. Despite residing in Israel, under the new November entry rules, these children have been barred from entering Israel, unless they are recovered from Corona in the last 6 months or are under 12 months old.

Now, we are pleased to share that a solution has been found for this complication. This comes after weeks of intense effort, led by our colleagues, Rabbi Zvi Gluck of Amudim, and Rabbi Nechemia Malinowitz of the Igud. Late last night, Chaim V’Chessed, along with Amudim and the Igud released a joint directive, describing the process. Details of the new arrangement appear below.

Re-entry Process

Unvaccinated children under age 12 (excluding babies under 12 months), whose parents and the children have VALID STUDENT VISAS, may apply for an entry permit to re-enter Israel, provided that they meet the following requirements and prepare the following documentation:

Eligibility Criteria: 

  1. The parents and the children MUST have valid visas (A/2, A/3 or A/4) IN THEIR PASSPORTS.
  2. The parents and any children over 12 MUST be either fully vaccinated with the latest vaccination in the last 6 months, recovered in Israel in the last 6 months with a positive PCR test or recovered in Israel with one vaccination, at any time.
  3. Their center of life must be Israel. (They must have lived in Israel for the past year).

Required Documentation:

  1. Copies of both parents’ passports and valid student visas.
  2. Copy of the child’s passport and valid student visa.
  3. Copy of the parents’ marriage license.
  4. Copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  5. Copy of the child’s health insurance in Israel.

If you meet the above criteria, you may apply online, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Select “Other” when it asks for the reason, and enter in the box that this is for a child of parents who have valid visas. You must also select the option to attach documents.  Bear in mind that the system only allows for 5 attachments, so combine some of the documents, so they can all be uploaded.

The application only needs to be submitted for the child or children, and not for the parents. It is one application per passenger.

In the near future, it will be possible to apply, prior to travel, at the Misrad HaPnim. Follow or subscribe to our updates for details.

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