Long Island: Light Snow Fall Expected During Wednesday AM Commute


1 to 3 inches of light snow is expected to fall early Wednesday in southern New Jersey and later expand into northern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and New York state.

The snow will be wet and could mix with rain at times near the coast. Accumulation will be greatest on grassy and elevated surfaces. Pavement accumulations could occur during times of heavier snowfall rates. The snow should begin 6 am to 8 am.

The light wintery mix wont be much, but just enough to possibly impact the AM commute Wednesday morning.

To summarize, here’s what locals can expect at this point:

NYC: A mix of rain and snow will start early Wednesday and last most of the day. Temperatures will be above freezing so the snow should melt with little to no accumulation. It will be a very wet, sloppy, chilly and inconvenient weather day from start to finish.

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