Viral Video of R’ Schachter’s Reaction to News of a New Grandchild Amid Shiur on Zoom


HaRav Schachter, shlit”a, received news of a new grandchild amid a Zoom Shiur online.

Watch how Rav Schachter reacts and see comments from his close Talmud below:

R’ Efrem Goldberg, a very close Talmud of R’ Schachter, shared his reaction to the video:

A few thoughts on this incredible video getting around:

1) Nobody can compare with or replace R’ Chaim ztvk”l but we are blessed to have other rebbeim with superhuman love of and concentration in Torah. We should appreciate them while we have them.

2) “I didn’t hear if it is a boy or girl, I was concentrating on the Shulchan Aruch.” Rav Schachter is one of the most sensitive & emotional people I know. He cherishes his family and absolutely loves his children and grandchildren. This video doesn’t mean he lacks a heart, it means it is big enough to also love Torah and Hashem so much that he wanted to finish giving them attention before turning to his amazingly good news.

3) Though he wouldn’t have had his shiur interrupted, he calmly returns to giving it without showing any frustration.

4) I am confident that he has no idea that this was anything special, that it was recorded or that it is being shared. Frankly, he would think that is strange, not his reaction in the video.

Ashreinu she’yeish lanu Rebbe ka’zeh!!


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