Yahalom NY Five Towns Event for Mothers of Children with Special Needs


The third and final installment of YahalomNY’s spring series of mothers’ nights out was held in the Five Towns/Far Rockaway neighborhoods, and hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Yosef and Faigy Lowinger. The event, designed to give mothers of children with special needs a time to network and connect, was attended by over 80 mothers from the Queens, Far Rockaway, Hewlett, Woodmere, Valley Stream, Bayswater, Long Beach, and Great Neck areas.

Mrs. Ellen Wolfson opened up by speaking about Yahalom, its mission, and future. Mrs. Leah Steinberg, director of Agudah’s Project LEARN, spoke with the mothers about Project LEARN and what it can do for them and their families. Dr. David Pelcovitz, renowned speaker and psychologist, spoke about balancing the needs of the typically developing children with the special needs child. The event also included a Chinese auction with tens of gifts donated by various local stores. Each participant went home with a special surprise gift. YahalomNY extends a special thanks to Rachel Lazar for her help planning and preparing the Chinese auction theme and gifts.

“It was so nice to be able to come together with other mothers in similar situations,” said one mother who attended. “I really appreciated being able to connect and share information and resources with other mothers.”

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