WATCH: Rav Itche Meir Morgenstern Visited Khal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, NY


On a rare occasion, Rav Itche Meir Morgenstern Shlit”a visited the United States this week. He was flown in to attend a wedding in the Monsey area. On Wednesday, he visited Khal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, led by Rav Yussi Zakutinsky Shlit”a.

Rav Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern is the Rosh Yeshiva of Toras Chochom in Israel. A Mekubal as well, he is a Chasid of Ger from birth. He learned in the Yeshivas of Lucerne and Gateshead. He is married to the daughter of R’ Yosef Lubinsky from Antwerp (known as the Chantshin Rabbi). He moved to Yerushalayim after his marriage and learned with R’ Eliezer Shlomo Schick and R’ Nissan Dovid Kivak.

He made visits to many Kehillos, Kevarim and homes all throughout the Tri-State area. Thousands came out to greet the Tzadik and received Berachos from him.

See footage below from his visit to Khal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence. Thank you Isaac Klein for the footage. Rav Zakutinsky expressed the tremendous zechus the Kehilla had to witness and host such a Tzadik in Lawrence for Maariv.

Below is a fascinating letter from Rabbi Brafman זצ”ל  to the parents of young Rav Itche Meir Morgenstern שליט”א (Credit: Rav Mordechai Burg):


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