NJ: “Kosher” Chinese Restaurant Admits Purposefully Serving Treif to Consumers


A final investigating and statement by OK Kosher says that the “Kosher Chinese Express” restaurant in Manalapan, New Jersey, has intentionally violated its obligation to the kosher consumer.

The owner verbally admitted and acknowledged his wrongdoing by bringing in the non-kosher items beginning with the nationwide chicken shortage in March 2022.

The restaurant has permanently closed following the initial allegations and video footage of the owner purchasing non-kosher bulk food items. Although the damage has been done, moving forward no more consumers will be harmed by this scandal.

Read the full statement from OK Kosher below:



  1. Sorry folks. You cannot trust Chinese people to run a kosher restaurant, because you can’t trust anyone to run a kosher restaurant who doesn’t themselves care about Kashrut. Many Chinese people eat dogs, turtles and certainly seafood like lobster and crab. Their dietary culture is very different from jews. another issue is Chinese people are so used to buying chicken and meat for rock bottom cheap prices in Chinatown. They can’t understand why they have to pay more for kosher… So they will just smuggle in non kosher when the mashgiach isn’t looking. This guy actually smuggled the non kosher chicken in marked boxes. But the other Chinese “kosher” restarauteurs are much more clever and they’re smuggling non kosher meat in unmarked bags.

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