R’ Bender: Response to Children Following Erev Shabbos Tragedy in Ramot


Dear Parents,

Over the years, throughout my shmuesin in yeshiva, I have tried to impress upon the children the concept of Nesias Ol, carrying and feeling the pain of others. It is important that our children realize that Klal Yisroel is one big family. When one family is hurting, we are all hurting.

By now I am sure you are all familiar with the terrible tragedy of Erev Shabbos in Ramot. Two young children had their lives snuffed out by a terrorist while waiting for a bus to go to a Shabbos simcha. Many of the children in yeshiva know about this, and it has hit home more than other stories due to the age of the victims.

I believe the best thing we can do is to tell the children we can help the neshomos of these children by learning mishnayos in their memory. No contests, no games, just learning. I would like to urge every parent in yeshiva to try to learn a perek mishnayos with their children, no matter how young they may be. Let’s try to do this by the end of next weekend, parshas Mishpatim. Speak to your children about the value of learning in memory of others.

Let us all learn lz’n Yaakov Yisroel ben Avrohom Noach and Asher Menachem ben Avrohom Noach. One day, with techias HaMeisim we will all be reunited together.

Rabbi Yaakov Bender

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