R’ Shloime Schwartzberg: Rediscovering Unity & Growth Amidst Loss; Tisha B’Av Reflections


Rabbi Schwartzberg is the Rav of The Grande River Shtibel in Toms River and is a Magid Shiur of the world-renowned Daf-Hachaim and All-Daf learning sites. He is well known for his inspiring lectures, intimate understanding of the human psyche and crystal clarity communication of deep ideas.

His unique blend of wisdom weaves an incredible tapestry of religion, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, trending social topics and more. He gives many popular daily shiurim online, including “the Daf” on Torah Anytime, Rambam, Tosfos and Daf hayomi b’Halacha.

He currently works as a psychotherapist in Private Practice and is working hard on increasing Emotional Intelligence in our communities.

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