Israeli Man Stabbed in Jerusalem Attack, in Moderate Condition


In a shocking incident near the Shivtei Yisroel light rail station in Yerushalayim, an Israeli man fell victim to a stabbing attack carried out by a Palestinian terrorist. The assailant’s violent act injured the victim and ignited a rapid response from emergency services.

The victim, a 25-year-old Israeli, Bechasdei Hashem, managed to escape the scene of the attack, finding refuge on Shimon HaTzaddik Street, where medics promptly initiated treatment. The Magen David Edom Ambulance Service reported the victim’s condition as moderate.

Israeli security forces reacted swiftly to neutralize the threat posed by the Palestinian terrorist. At the light rail station, they engaged the terrorist and ultimately shot and killed him.

The response from United Hatzalah, a volunteer-based emergency medical service, was equally swift. Dr. Shlomo Gensler, a dedicated volunteer with United Hatzalah, provided initial treatment to the injured victim. Dr. Gensler commented on the incident: “I provided initial treatment to a man who was stabbed in the back, after which he was transported to Shaare Zedek hospital. His condition is currently defined as moderate and stable. Due to the nature of the incident, several people were treated by United Hatzalah’s Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit.”

May we hear Besuros Tovos.

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