NEW VIDEO JUST RELEASED: Sheer Excitement as TU’s Chinuch TUesday Prepares to Launch



The anticipation and excitement is building ahead of Torah Umesorah’s launch of its Chinuch TUesday crowdfunding campaign, Sheer Dedication. 

CHINUCH TUESDAY empowers Klal Yisroel to ignite and perpetuate our most important ingredient – Chinuch. As the theme, Sheer Dedication, indicates, this year’s campaign is celebrating the Sheer Dedication and infinite impact – ain lahem shiur – of our mechanchim and mechanchos as they share their wisdom and nurture their students from across the spectrum of Klal Yisroel.

Throughout the year, the Sheer Dedication of our educators is supported by Torah Umesorah. Torah Umesorah is dedicated to all of our teachers, principals, yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs, and day schools. Torah Umesorah’s sheer impact is enormous, the plethora of programs and services it shares a game-changing resource.

CHINUCH TUESDAY is a vitally important event as Torah Umesorah raises $10 million to fund all that it provides for our chinuch throughout the year. Klal Yisroel’s partnership with Torah Umesorah is crucial in providing the funds so that TU can continue sharing in the avodas hakodesh of educating our future – our children. The Yamim Noraim are a time when we focus on the future as we daven and plead for a sweet year; can there be a more apropos time to support Klal Yisroel’s future by supporting the chinuch of our children? You know the answer – so please share in the effort and show your Sheer Dedication for our chinuch and our future!

Answer the call. Year round, Torah Umesorah shares in the Sheer Dedication of our educators. Please share in TU’s efforts and help make this campaign a sheer success.


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