Op-Ed: Local Nassau Politician Joins Palestine Rally & Spews Hatred Propaganda


This is not only scary but very terrifying from an elected local politician who is a Nassau County Legislature. THIS POLITICIAN CURRENTLY REPRESENTS THE COMMUNITIES OF INWOOD, NORTH LAWRENCE AND NORTH WOODMERE!

Here is a text that Carrie Solages who is a Democrat Nassau County Legislator sent to people. Before the redistricting he was representing a portion of the 5 Towns, yes people in our community, moral and supposedly humane and ethical people voted for this person. I’m shocked and so should you!

He has been supporting the genocidal and terrorist organizations that have raped, tortured, burnt and terrorized innocent civilians in Israel.

Has he stood up and showed support for the only true Democracy in the Middle East? The biblical homeland to the regions indigenous people, the Jewish people who have thousand and thousands of years of history to our homeland? Has he denounced the terror group Hamas? Has he condemned the genocidal attack, the largest murder of Jewish people in one day since the Holocaust?

Or is he spewing hatred propaganda and fueling the violence with his rhetoric and hatred, pure Anti-Semitism.

You can see the image of people proudly showing up to our county legislature in Mineola and showing their support of genocide, showing their support of rape, torture, beheading babies, burning innocent people and grotesque murder of innocent civilians. People in their homeland who have done nothing other than being Jewish in their Jewish country.

Can you even imagine what he says in this text, the slander against and blood libel against Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman who is a patriot, a true lover and believer in freedom and America and a proud Jew! This is Anti-Semitism and pure vile hatred at its core.

This is who is in our backyard.
This is who people in our community voted, support and fund.
This is who is representing communities in government in our community.

We can not remain silent about AntiSemites and vile people and behavior in our community and beyond!

By: Gabriel Boxer “Kosher Guru”


  1. Solage lost his mind…. Get him out of the office!
    Same with Schumer, Nadler! Both signed the Iran deal against Israel and they both now cry big fake tears.

  2. OMG, cannot believe this. And he is an American? Get rid of this excuse of a person. People, keep voting Democrat and they will give the country away.

  3. Shumer was my congressman.i voted for him for congress but NEVER for Senate. He never cared about his constituents .Only looking out for himself.

  4. Is there a petition that we can sign and request a reprimand, and is someone meeting with him… yo ” educate” him on the facts and truths?

  5. Shameful! Guess who he picked to run for the County Legislative seat in the Five Towns as the Democrat? Tanvir Ahmed. Don’t vote for him!

  6. Solages’s sister, Michaelle, represents North Woodmere in the State Assembly vote her out! Solages himself was arrested for beating his girlfriend.

  7. Change.org is the site where one can start a petition to get Carrie Solanges, Queens office and parts of 5 Towns Democrat viper out of office.
    He will be joining the shameful other radical anti semites such as claudine Gay, President of Harvard U and one from Columbia University – don’t sit idle by, get your voices heard!

  8. I just want to understand how is asking for peace something dishonored ? Don’t kill children is that bad ? Someone please explain and unlike many of you I will post my name

  9. We need more local politicians like him that stand up for what is humanely and ethically right! And who aren’t afraid to speak up against the genocide being done by the terrorists from Israel.

  10. Good on him for speaking up against the war crimes and genocide being committed against the Palestinian people. As jews when we said never again, we meant it for all people!

  11. I love self hating Jews. You should be the first to end up in a gas chamber. You are worse than our enemies! Am Yisroel Chai!

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