Fox News: TABC Rosh Yeshiva Discussing Decision to Prohibit Recruits From Certain Colleges


Rabbi Joshua Kahn joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss how the Yeshiva has taken action to ensure the safety of students amid a rise in antisemitism on campuses nationwide.

R’ Kahn, the Rosh Yeshiva of TABC, put out a statement which 5TC published, informing upcoming college recruits to be aware of. The Yeshiva will no longer take recruiters from any college that has not condemned Hamas. In addition, they will need to show the staff a plan to ensure Jewish students’ safety on their campuses.



  1. And for each university, or college where professors and students were allowed to side with Hamas, and threaten the Jewish students : start a class action against each of these institutions!
    Dry them dry and useless!

  2. Stop donating to any university which doesn’t take a strong stand against hate talk and behaviour. Contact local politicians and inform them of this decision. University presidents who allow this are useless fire them

  3. Soros, Gates, Fauci, Musk, and the other Jew haters will keep in donating – including many Jewish ignorant imbecils – there are many book smart, missing common sense amongst us, unfortunately. .
    So, again what to do? START CLASS ACTION SUITS against each college, university where Jewish students were, are intimidated, threatened and cannot study under hostile surroundings! That will be a long term affect and weaken their IVY league reputations down to dirt.

  4. He is just hurting his own students. YU does not get its alumni jobs. My daughter has been searching for a job for months despite graduating summa from YU.

  5. The public universities are no better. Look at what’s going on at CUNY. He’s ultimatly hurting his own students. Basically giving them the only options of YU and Landers. Gives students less inclination to do well in school. No school can give them the assurances they want. You’re better off fighting these instructions government funding.

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