R’ Efrem Goldberg: Gedolim in the United States


Rabbi Goldberg speaks to students at Aish and shares his personal journey and the transformative impact of Torah study, emphasizing the importance of listening, learning, and personal growth.

Rabbi Goldberg takes us on a fascinating exploration of the qualities that define true Torah scholars and the profound lessons we can learn from their dedication and humility. He recounts his experiences with Gedolim and how these encounters have shaped his understanding of what it means to be a true seeker of wisdom.

Through engaging stories and insightful reflections, Rabbi Goldberg delves into the concept of listening—not just hearing words but truly absorbing and contemplating the teachings of Torah and the messages Hashem conveys to us through life’s experiences. He challenges us to become better listeners, to fully engage with our learning, and to approach our study of Torah with a deep hunger for understanding.

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