BDE: Two Israelis Murdered in Eli by Palestinian Terrorists R”L


Two people have now died of injuries following a deadly Palestinian terrorist shooting attack on Israelis at a gas station near Eli R”L. Both were male victims, one in his 20s and the other in his 40s HY”D.

“When we arrived at the scene, we saw at the gas station a vehicle in which sat an unconscious wounded man with gunshot wounds and nearby another man was lying on the road who was also unconscious with gunshot wounds. We performed medical examinations But the injuries were fatal and in a short time we had to pronounce them dead,” MDA paramedic Shmuel Reynos and MDA senior medic Avraham Applebaum said.

One terrorist was killed by Israeli security forces, but two others managed to escape and were being pursued by IDF soldiers.

“A short while ago, a terrorist arrived at a gas station in Eli and opened fire. The terrorist was neutralized. IDF soldiers are blocking off routes and pursuing additional suspects in the area,” the IDF said.

Suspected terrorist infiltration alarms are now sounding in Eli following the terror attack near the entrance, amid fears of additional armed terrorists in the area.

Four Israelis were murdered there in the very same gas station in another terror attack last summer. The village of Eli is a Jewish town in the West Bank, by Judea & Samaria.

May their memories be a blessing. HY”D.

Besuros Tovos.


  1. What’s Israel’s response to this? Is it only when 1200 Jews are massacred that Israel is concerned with overhauling the security situation? Why can it be okay when one or two die? We need an immense response to this. And if the world has a problem with it, the world he damned.

  2. The murderers will be rewarded, their families too, by the government that our president wants us to live side by side with- with funds partially supplied by OUR government.
    Roll that around a bit.

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