Absolute Fire: Watch Pro-Israel Rep. Chuck Fleischmann in Action


US congressman Chuck Fleischmann responding forcibly to pro-Palestine agitators harassing him as he leaves his office:

– Chuck: “You can tell the Palestinians, I’ll never support them”, “Let me make it clear, Israel is our ally, they will always be our ally, they are not guilty of genocide and I will support Israel forever”

– Protester: “Even when they kill 30,000 kids, that is a statistic” – Chuck: “You can tell the Palestinians, I’ll never support them”


  1. I just called his office to thank him for his support. We all should do the same. takes but a minute and they were really appreciative to hear from someone outside of his state of Tennessee.

  2. G-d bless and watch over him!

    P.S. Why are those troublemakers allowed to accost a congressman like that, in a government building no less? They should be at the least be evicted, if not charged with harassment.

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