FedEx Theft in Broad Daylight Across Gourmet Glatt


A local small business owner went to deliver a package in a FedEx drop off, right across from Gourmet Glatt. 8 minutes later, a man is seen picking the lock and stealing the package. It seems that the business owner was either followed or seen dropping off the package.

Make sure to be very careful when sending out packages in any drop off locations. FedEx has a claims page for missing items that one can file by pressing HERE. UPS claims can be filed by clicking HERE. If possible, it is ideal to send out boxes via the store and not the drop off box.


  1. We have local politicians (Donovan Richards for instance) that are calling for DEFUNDING THE POLICE! This is nothing compared to what will happen in a society with no police to enforce law and order.

  2. You cannot submit a claim for this. It needs to have been scanned in. If FedEx has no record of receiving the package, they will not pay out a claim.

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