Update Regarding Minyanim at the White Shul


2 Tammuz, 5780/ June 23, 2020


Lichvod dear White Shul members, עמו׳׳ש:

Shalom U’vracha and Good Evening! We sincerely hope this e-mail finds you all doing well, bi’ruchniyus u’vi’gashmiyus, and that you are all looking forward to slowly and gradually returning to our special Shul on a regular basis.

ב”ה we cater to an extremely diverse audience- the best in the world!- and always try our utmost to accommodate all our beloved members: men and women, young and old, all with varying needs and requests. In these challenging, often difficult times, and with so many variables with which to contend, it is not always easy to please everyone and address every request. We thank you wholeheartedly for your understanding and cooperation as we navigate the constantly evolving aspects of this current pandemic.

Please be fully aware: From the very outset of the Corona pandemic, we have always ensured that our policies and guidelines were, and will continue to be, in line with the CDC, as well as State and City protocols. We have also been in constant touch  with reputable infectious disease specialists, experienced medical professionals, and Gedolei Yisroel, and- based on their guidance and recommendations- do our utmost to work on finding an appropriate and responsible approach for our wonderful Kehillah at every stage.

Latest updates: 

  1. We are experimenting now with offering two MASK MANDATORY minyanim, in the Beis Medrash, at 6:00 and 8:00am. At all other indoor minyanim (6:30/7:30/8:30/9:15), held in the Main Shul, there are designated MASK MANDATORY and MASK OPTIONAL sections. The three sections on the RIGHT (as you enter the MS) are MASK MANDATORY, while the three on the left are MASK OPTIONAL. Please carefully adhere to these clear instructions.
  2. Please note that masks must be worn at all times in the building, unless you are seated in a minyan. If you are passing through the aisles or lobby, exiting or entering the building, or receiving an aliyah, you MUST wear a mask.
  3. The decision to continue the 6:00 and 8:00am minyanim next week will depend on the response over the remainder of this week.  For this week, should there be insufficient attendees for those minyanim, you can always join the 6:30 or 8:30 minyanim in the Main Shul.
  4. A separate e-mail will be forthcoming regarding the arrangement for this Shabbos.

Important: We remind you that cell phones MAY NOT BE ON when you are in Shul. The Gabbaim will strictly enforce this crucial aspect to maintaining proper Kavod HaTefilla and Kedushas Beis HaKnesses.

As always, we continue to daven for abundant Siyata Dishmaya that everyone remains hale and healthy, and we can all safely and fully return to our beloved Shul in the near future אי”ה.

With warmest wishes for only Kol Tuv always and best regards to all,

Rabbi Eytan Feiner

Rabbi Motti Neuburger

The Reopening Committee

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