White Shul Sends Out Memo After the Updated Cuomo Restrictions


Chol HaMoed Succos, 5781

Lichvod Dearest White Shul Members, עמו”ש:

We sincerely hope and daven that you and your wonderful families are feeling and managing well under the current difficult circumstances. As you are well aware, we have heard extremely painful news today from the governor, affecting the many Shuls in our special neighborhood, including our beloved White Shul.

As of this time, the new severe restrictions are not set to go into effect until this Friday. Therefore, our daily Minyanim- their starting times and respective locations on the premises- will remain status quo until a follow-up e-mail notice to be sent as soon as we have more information.

In the meantime, please be aware that we are in regular contact with elected officials and representatives from various well-known organizations in tireless efforts to address our grave concerns with the announced restrictions. We must do our optimal hishtadlus on all fronts, but we must certainly do our absolute utmost to daven to הקב”ה for abundant Siyata Dishmaya and a yeshua gedolah for all of Klal Yisroel b’karov אי”ה.

Please also note: Representatives from the Department of Health (DOH) have been closely monitoring our community, and have been checking in on various local institutions– including a brief visit recently to the White Shul (B”H all was in compliance). It is incumbent upon each and every person who enters our Mikdash Mi’at to adhere strictly and fully to ALL the clear safety and health guidelines and policies that we currently have in place. In light of the safety/health issues and in avoidance of any possible Chillul Hashem, please understand that there are no exceptions.
May we merit to share only besuros tovos henceforth, and be zocheh to greet Mashiach Tzidkeinu in the very near future, Bi’ezras Hashem Yisborach!

Warmest regards and best wishes for only Kol Tuv always,

Rabbi Eytan Feiner

Rabbi Motti Neuburger


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