Heshy Tischler Interviews With Fox 5 NY



  1. I Agree. He is a 24/7 Chilul Hashem. He doesn’t realize that he is a yid and he is held to a higher standard. Just because Trump can say outrageous and distinguishing things, does’t mean a yid should too.

  2. i agree it may be a chilul hashem but at this time and age it may be what needs to be done and btw in europe you know what they would do with a moiser ? they would drown him

  3. @heshy Fanatic there is never an excuse for a Chilul Hashem. we are in Golus we are a mensch we don’t go around protesting and say bad stuff about are mayors wife no matter how bad she is.

  4. Ohh so 5 towns central allows lashon hora by the commentators. BTW Heshy is a Jew and anything bad someone says is lashon hora.

  5. Anonymous 7:56 pm: so does that mean we can’t say loshon hora about George Soros? What about Bernie Sanders? Or the capos in Auschwitz? They are/were all Jews. Should we be silent?

    The halochos of loshon hora are not absolute. If a Jew is making a Chilul Hashem, which is an aveirah that even Yom Kippur is not m’chaper for, you are allowed to speak against him to stop him. It’s not loshon hora if the person being spoken about is making a Chilul Hashem.

  6. BS”D
    If whether a person is a chilul or kiddush HaShem is in the eyes of the Gentile beholder, read the comments to Jennifer Millman’s article “Unmasked Heckler Wrecks Havoc…..”

  7. i know i do and thats why i am running for city council and btw go watch my show on Wednesday night at 8:00 to find out what i plan to do.

  8. heshy you are an embarrassment to our community. The way you treat other yidden is unacceptable. please dont run for city council because that would make you look like a fool

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