Online Permit Application to Return to Israel


Baltimorejewishlife via Chaimvchessed

Published May 3, 2021 4:26 PM IST

As documented extensively by Chaim V’Chessed, student visa holders currently in Israel who wish to travel, and then return to Israel, must obtain permission to return to Israel before departing the country. Until today, this process has been arduous. This morning, Chaim V’Chessed received word of applicants camping- out in front of the Misrad HaPnim as early as 5:30 AM.

Now, an online process has been established to alleviate this difficulty. At this link, persons with valid students visas can apply for a permit to return to Israel. It is required to upload copies of your passport and visa. Permits are emailed within a short time.

Our thanks to our colleague, Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz of the Igud, for his tireless work in establishing this helpful service.

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