Chicago, Lakewood, Orlando, Tucson & Brooklyn Jews Were Subjected to Hate Over Weekend


The F.R.E.E. synagogue in Chicago, Illinois, was vandalized over Shabbos with swastikas and one constituent was physically assaulted on his way to daven Mincha hours prior. The attacker is described to be of middle eastern decent.

This comes during a recent wave of antisemetic incidents in the Chicago area, including two Jewish owned stores which had their windows smashed.

Chicago PD have confirmed a “person of interest” is currently being questioned on the matter and is in custody.

This also comes in a 24-hour span of hate in the USA which saw a group of Nazi’s demonstrating in multiple Orlando locations, Jews intentionally hit by snow by a plow in Lakewood, bomb scare in Tucson AZ, and yet another truck driver in Brooklyn yelling vicious anti-Jewish comments.

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