Offender Arrested in The Community, Important PSA


In response to a hotline call, RNSP units located a suspect who was exposing himself to children & adults on several occasions this week, mostly near a school & playground. NYPD officers arrived swiftly and arrested the suspect.

The following alert was sent to 5TC by members of RNSP

After consulting our local Rabbonim, these are the next steps for the community:

1. Since the perpetrator was arrested, he cannot be rearrested for crimes he is already formally charged with (unless he violates terms of release or commits additional crimes). Therefore, we cannot call 911 and expect an arrest if he is simply seen.

2. HOWEVER, he is a proven repeat offender. His presence constitutes a POTENTIAL danger. As such, if he is seen lurking, call the RNSP 24/7 Hotline immediately. If you see him on Shabbos, call USING A SHINUI. (Call in an an indirect manner. ie.. Dial with your pinky.)

3. If he is exposing himself or worse, call the RNSP 24/7 Hotline EVEN ON SHABBOS, and in a normal fashion (without a shinui), as this constitutes a clear and present danger.

4. We do not anticipate him being released over the weekend, but in today’s NY, you never know.

5. In addition to keeping in contact with our Rabbonim, RNSP units have been communicating with detectives, past complainants and witnesses, and with the Queens County District Attorneys Office (prosecutors). We will work with politicians and law enforcement to ensure that this creep is tracked and monitored at all times.


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