Hillel Fuld Reacts to This Mornings Horrific Terror Attack in Ariel


Listen very carefully! Are you listening?

The sick excuse for a human, the Palestinian terrorist who just killed three innocent Israelis and wounded others was an employee of a tech company in Ariel, the city in which he carried out the attack. That’s right. A tech company.

The false narrative claiming that Palestinian terror has ANYTHING to do with suffering in Gaza has to stop. My brother’s murderer lived an affluent life. Today’s murderer did as well. This isn’t about occupation, it’s not about land, it’s about radical Islamic fundamentalism.

This is a clash of civilizations. Radical Islam against the western world. That’s what it’s always been about and any other explanation is excusing murder. If you justify Palestinian terrorism and blame Israel, you’re no better than the terrorists.

This morning’s attack was sick! The Palestinian terrorist stabbed a man in the back multiple times, a man who was filling up gas in his car.

It’s becoming unbearable and I hope the new government will do what it needs to do and do it without holding back. This new wave of Palestinian terror needs to be uprooted from its foundation and anything less is a failure.

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