Neutralized: Key Hamas Terrorist Operatives Neutralized by the IDF and ISA


Head of the International Relations Office in the Hamas Political Bureau

Ma’amar was responsible for Hamas’ internal communications and coordination between terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. He was also known to be a close confidant of Hamas’ leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

The Hamas Minister of Economy in the Gaza Strip

Shmalah was responsible for the hundreds of millions of dollars Hamas received annually and invested them in funding and directing terrorist activity against civilians within and outside the Gaza Strip.

The Commander of the Nukhba Southern Khan Yunis Assault Company

Alqadra himself was largely responsible for the massacre of innocent Israeli women, children and men in the Kibbutzim Nirim and Nir Oz, carried out on October 7th.

Senior Hamas Naval Operative in the Rafah Brigade

Abu Shamla was an operative in Hamas’ Nukhba forces, and his residence was used to store naval weapons designated to carry out attacks against Israelis.

Commander of Hamas’ Nukhba Jabalya Assault Company

Hamas’ Nukhba forces led the brutal massacre of Israeli civilians in communities surrounding the Gaza Strip on October 7th. Furthermore, in 2005, Qadi was apprehended after the kidnapping and murder of Israeli civilians and was released as part of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

The Commander of Hamas’ Southern District’s National Security

Head of the Hamas’ Aerial Array in Gaza City


Hamas’ leaders are the driving force behind the terrorist organization’s countless attacks and brutality. Whether they are an active part of assault companies and commando terrorist forces or ministers, every Hamas leader is responsible for the murder of Israeli and Palestinian civilians, arming children and exploiting civilian and humanitarian areas for terrorist purposes.

As part of the IDF’s mission of defense, it must target and neutralize these leaders to maintain the safety of all civilians.


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