Incredible: Entire Yeshiva Saved on October 7th; Terrorists Arrived During Shmonah Esrei


Rabbi Shmuel Reichman shared the following October 7th Miracle:

On October 7th, the holiday of Simchas Torah, two Hamas terrorists arrived at a synagogue and listened in, waiting to find the right moment to massacre the entire congregation inside.

However, they were surprised to encounter complete silence when listening in from the doorway. Especially given that their own mosque services are typically very loud, with sounds expressed every few seconds, they assumed the building was empty, and didn’t bother even entering, choosing instead to move on to find a more populated building to attack.

However, that synagogue was actually full of Jews!

Once the holiday ended later that evening, the Rabbi and members of the synagogue reviewed the synagogue’s cameras and observed the two terrorists at the door who paused to listen and then mysteriously left. Upon checking the time, it happened to coincide exactly with the point in the prayer service when all the synagogue members were praying the “Silent Amidah” (Shemonah Esrai).

Binyamin, the young man in this video (who is originally from France), was leading the prayer service and shared with the congregation that just before Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), he had sought a blessing from his Rebbi in Bnei Brak, the Rebbe of Tchernobil.

The Rabbi encouraged him to pray with a deeper focus and to double the time he spent in his Silent Amidah, which according to the camera timing, may very well have ended up saving not only his life, but the lives of his entire community!


“While this video is not in English, there is one thing that we can all understand:

When you live a life devoted to something infinitely bigger than yourself, special things happen.

And while some choose to “kill” in the name of truth, “living” in the name of truth sounds like a much deeper and more inspiring truth to me!”


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