PM Netanyahu to Battalion: “The Essence of our Policy – Total Victory Over Hamas.”


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today, visited the 8104th Battalion of the 179th Brigade, at the IDF Armored Corps Memorial at Latrun.

The Prime Minister spoke with battalion’s company commanders, led by IDF Chief Armored Officer Brig.-Gen. Ohad Maor, and was briefed on the activity of the battalion since the outbreak of the war. He also met with the battalion’s commanders and soldiers and visited the memorial for fallen soldiers of the IDF Armored Corps.

Prime Minister Netanyahu:

“I am just finishing a visit here with your commanders and you, and I am greatly impressed by your fighting spirit, unity in combat and the dedication to the goal. I told your commanders that several days ago, I received a cap with two words on it: ‘Total victory.’ This is the essence of our policy – total victory over Hamas.

Total victory is essential because it ensures the security of Israel. Total victory is the only way in which we can ensure additional historic peace agreements, which await. Total victory will strike a mortal blow against the axis of evil: Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis and – of course – Hamas.

Therefore, there is no substitute for total victory. One need only to think of what would happen without total victory: The displaced will not return, the next massacre will only be a matter of time and Iran, Hezbollah and others will simply celebrate here and destroy the Middle East; therefore, there is no substitute for total victory.

After having met you and your commanders in the field in the Gaza Strip several times, I would like to tell you – I am impressed by your heroism, intensity and determination, and by our ability to achieve this victory, which is coming. By our calculation, as of today we have already destroyed – meaning, we have either killed or wounded – over half of their force. We have destroyed 18 of their 24 battalions. We are engaged in active demilitarization by conducting raids against the remaining terrorists and we are destroying the underground networks. We are on the way to total victory and I want to tell you that we are committed to it and will not give up on it. We will not stop the war without achieving this goal of total victory, which will restore security to both the south and the north.

I want to salute you; you are amazing, simply lions, there is no other word. Everyone today knows this, and the entire people stands behind you. Then be blessed and continue onward to the total victory.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu was accompanied by his Chief-of-Staff Tzachi Braverman, his Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil, IDF Chief Armored Officer Brig.-Gen. Ohad Maor and 179th Brigade Commander Col. Itzik Alfasi.

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