Incredible Story: Couple Recives Miraculous B’rachos From Lubavitcher Rebbe


Dr. Hanna & Dr. Alan Bresler’s family connection to The Rebbe, and the miraculous blessing they received. The Bressler family suffered over 8 years with infertility before they were finally introduced to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Watch the incredible story below.


  1. How much did Chabad Lubavitch pay you for running this lengthy commercial of theirs?

    Joe Carlebach, the Lubavitcher minister featured in it and the head of Rutgers Habad, is an open messianist, he openly declares his long deceased Rebbe the Messiah. He even has chaired the annual convention banquet of the openly messianist Lubavitcher representatives,, where yechi is openly recited for years. He is not recognized by the more mainstream Chabad. Why are you promoting this lunatic and lunacy?

    Just because some makes a video with some nice music, doesn’t mean it is worthy of promotion.

    P.S. We pray to Hashem, G-d Almighty, not to some Rebbe from Brooklyn, who died close to thirty years ago.

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