Incredible: Newfound Father Rav Koshlevsky Requesting Eitzah & Berachos From Rav Moshe Shternbuch


“Miracles are worthless if we don’t recognize where they come from.”

Hagaon Rav Zvi Koshlevsky, who welcomed his first son at the age of 88, went to Posek Hador Rav Moshe Shternbuch Shlita to thank him for the Bracha he gave him 9 months ago that he would have a child. No matter what age you are, you must have a Rav you can ask for guidance and receive Berachos from.

R’ Koshlevsky requested Berachos and chinuch advice from his peer, R’ Shternbuch. R’ Koshlevsky received the Berachos and was told to keep thanking Hashem, R’ Shternbuch wanted to minimize that he was the one responsible for assisting in the birth of the miracle child.

Watch the incredible footage below:

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