Former White House Envoy Jason Greenblatt Issues Statement on Tragic Death of WC Kitchen Members


“I recognize that it’s hard to try to maintain nuance when emotions are running high, as they do in the midst of war. Nonetheless, we must remember a few basic principles to help us make sense of the tragic strike that killed 7 workers of World Central Kitchen in Gaza.

1. The deaths of these aid workers who were trying to alleviate suffering in Gaza are a tragedy. They are not props to be weaponized against Israel in a blame game.

2. Israel has already stated an investigation will be forthcoming. What happens behind the scenes in war time is often complicated. Israel will determine how this happened and draw the appropriate lessons once they determine what happened.

3. Making a mistake, even one that causes tragedy, is not the same as being reckless. To infer from this mistake that Israel often or constantly makes similar mistakes because it is careless is a false conclusion. (Based on the attention this tragedy is getting, it is more likely the exception that proves the rule — that Israel tries its best to be extremely careful.) Saying that Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers and other civilians is simply untrue and reckless. It gives fuel to those who spread lies about Israel.

4. The fault for every civilian death in Gaza remains with Hamas, not Israel. Hamas started this war. It hides among civilians to make tragedies like this more likely. It steals food and supplies, making aid like this necessary in the first place. Hamas refuses to give up the hostages it has been holding for six months. Hamas refuses to surrender, which causes terrible suffering.

5. War causes tragedy. That is the nature of war. Those brave souls who tried to help feed Palestinian civilians are now part of the tragic story. But the tragic story in this war started with Hamas. The war can end if Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages. Then we can figure out how to build a better future for Gaza, once it is no longer trapped under Hamas’s tyranny.”

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