Chuck Schumer Discussing Additional Security Funding in Young Israel of Woodmere


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer met with local Rabbanim, Askanim and local leaders of other faiths. The meeting took place this afternoon at Young Israel of Woodmere.

Schumer announced a major push to double the funding from $180 million to $360 million, saying religious spaces should be places of peace rather than places of fear, worry and certainly not targets of attacks.

This comes since the attack on Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas.


  1. Anyone who shakes the hand of that filthy hypocrite should have his head examined. Where was Schumer when the House Democrats were trying to cut aid to Israel? Where was he when anti-Semitic acts were springing up all over New York?

  2. Schumer is a phony. He’ll sell you his mother if it enhances his personal fortune. Why do Jews vote for him. He is no friend of israel either

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