Robbery at CVS Inwood in Broad Daylight


There was a robbery in broad daylight at the CVS located at 530 Burnside in Inwood. The incident occurred late Shabbos afternoon at around 6:30 PM.

A local resident informed 5TC that she was waiting outside the store for her daughter who was printing a photo. As she was waiting for her order, she personally witnessed the robbery.

Three men entered the store. Two of them sat by the entrance keeping an eye on the door, as the third perpetrator began shoplifting and grabbing everything he can. Within minutes, the trio ran from the store with multiple bags of stolen merchandise.

The NCPD 4th precinct arrived on the scene but by the time they got there, the men were gone. We will continue to follow this incident and bring the community any updates.

After experiencing such trauma, this young girl does not plan on returning to the store: “Nowhere is safe, so sad, she will NEVER go back to CVS” said the mother.


  1. And that’s before 3000 low income apartments get filled up. The community just let this atrocity take place without a blink

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