Anti-Semitic Harassment Outside Queens College (CUNY)


A bigot parked outside CUNY spent multiple days yelling vile, antisemitic conspiracy theories and lies into a megaphone (see videos below).

The raging bigot was cursing people of all faiths, Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. Students informed 5TC that this harassment took place all day for multiple days in a row.

“Disgusting how long it took for cops to show up, it’s as if nobody could care less,” said a horrified freshman student.

NYPD finally appeared after hours of him intimidating students and yelling from his car.

A Twitter account created to protect the students at CUNY from such bigotry said in a statement:

“Absolutely unbelievable. This is what happens when the ‘PNC CUNY’ Union routinely spews venomous Jew hate with impunity and you have a Chancellor at CUNY who cares so little about antisemitism, that he simply doesn’t bother to show at NYC Council meetings, antisemitism hearings re-scheduled FOR him.

This is life for Jewish college kids in America 2022”.


  1. Disgraceful … Im sure he;ll be coddled by the liberals. Dont worry though you need to pay his welfare benefits though!! None of our elected leaders have done anything about anti semitism and its disgusting

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