MJE Comes to Lawrence For Shabbos


This Shabbat, a group of young professionals from The Manhattan Jewish Experience (MJE) will leave the hustle and bustle of New York City to experience a “Shabbat in the Suburbs – hosted by the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cederhurst. Founded by Rabbi Mark N. Wildes in 1998, MJE is a warm and open community where millennials with limited Jewish background can explore Jewish life and meet new people. MJE has reconnected thousands of young men and women to Jewish tradition, Israel and a Torah way of life as well as providing a venue in which 377 couples have met and married! MJE run’s a wide range of inclusive, engaging and innovative programs for Jewish 20’s/30’s including Shabbat dinners, holiday events, winter and spring retreats, classes, beginner services, trips to Israel, a one-on-one learning program and much more.

On Friday night MJE’s group of 30 young men and women will be joining the Back Lawrence Shul for davening where the talented chazzan Yair Saperstein will be leading the minyan. Minyan will be followed by a large and spirited group meal where Rabbi Wildes along with local community educator Yael Safra, and one of the MJE participants will be speaking.

On Shabbat morning, MJE will be attending the Young Israel of Lawrence/Cedarhurst with their esteemed leader Rabbi Yaacov Trump. Rabbi Wildes will give the sermon at both the 8:30am and 9:15am services, speaking on “Taking Responsibility”, followed by a class by Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergmann. For Shabbat lunch, the MJE’ers will be hosted in smaller groups by all of the gracious shabbaton hosts.

Mincha will be at 3:30pm followed by the always entertaining and informative “Ask the Rabbi” session with Rabbi Wildes and Rabbi Trump sitting on the panel. Shabbat concludes with an enjoyable Third Meal with inspiring divrei Torah from Rabbi Wildes and two of the MJE participants along with beautiful singing and dancing, Maariv and a musical Havdalah.

MJE thanks the Young Israel of Lawrence/Cedarhurst, Rabbi Yaacov Trump and all the gracious hosts for their partnership. Thanks also to the Back Lawrence Shul.

For more information about this Shabbaton or MJE in general, contact [email protected] and/or [email protected]

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