Mi Kimcha: IAF Pilot Calls Off Killing Islamic Jihad Terrorists After Noticing Kids in The Vicinity (Watch)


A video circulated on social media, showing the moment an Israel Air Force (IAF) pilot decided to cancel a strike against Islamic Jihad terrorists due to the presence of children near the target. The video has sparked conversations about the moral dilemmas military personnel face in times of conflict, particularly when civilian lives are at risk.

The pilot can be heard speaking to the command center through a radio. He informs that there are children near the target, and he immediately decides to abort the mission, saying “We are not firing.” The commander on the ground is heard saying, “Copy that, negative on the target.”

The decision to cancel the strike demonstrates the ethical considerations that the Israeli military takes when carrying out operations against terrorist groups. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have long been committed to minimizing harm to civilians in conflict zones, even when it means delaying or canceling military operations.

This approach stands in stark contrast to the tactics employed by terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who intentionally target civilians and use them as human shields to protect their operatives. In fact, it is well-documented that Hamas and Islamic Jihad have deliberately placed rocket launchers, weapons caches, and command centers in civilian areas, including schools, hospitals, and residential neighborhoods, to shield themselves from Israeli strikes and maximize civilian casualties.

The decision of the IAF pilot to cancel the strike demonstrates the Israeli military’s commitment to protecting innocent lives, even in the face of grave threats. It also highlights the complexity of modern warfare and the moral dilemmas faced by military personnel who must make split-second decisions with far-reaching consequences.



  1. So we postpone hitting out enemies, giving them the time to hurt us (again)!? The rest of the world doesn’t care about our morality or ethics. We pat ourselves on the back, but those kids on the scene have Nazi-style hate in their hearts for us, are cheering the rocket launches towards Israeli children and parents, and will grow up to be the same terrorists as their rocket-firing fathers.

  2. What a heart warming story. In a perfect world where both sides are playing by the same rules. In that perfect world, where Jew and gentile are treated with moral equality. That’s when we can afford to be the nation with high handed morality. But until this happens it’s kill or be killed. There’s no place for sparing innocents. That’s why they invented the phrase collateral damage. If you save one Jewish life it’s as if you saved the whole world.

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