Significant Drop in Violent Crime, Yet Vehicle Thefts Surge in Far Rockaway


Captain Timothy Schultz, commanding officer of the 101st Precinct, announced a remarkable 50% decrease in violent crime in Far Rockaway for January. During a recent community council meeting, Schultz credited the dedicated efforts of the precinct’s officers in successfully removing illegal firearms from the streets.

The precinct recognized Officer Nick Ventimiglia with the “Cop of the Month” award for his exemplary response to an incident that led to an arrest and the seizure of an illegal firearm. Schultz commended Ventimiglia, highlighting his nearly two decades of service at the 101st as a Non-Commissioned Officer and citing him as a key contributor to the decline in violence.

Despite this positive trend, the community faces a concerning surge in Grand Larceny Auto cases. Vehicle thefts at the 101st Precinct have risen by 200% compared to the same period last year.

Police Officer Dominick Farese, the precinct’s new crime prevention officer, addressed the issue by informing owners of Hyundais and Kias, specifically targeted by thieves due to design vulnerabilities, about free security software upgrades offered by the manufacturers. Farese encouraged affected vehicle owners to contact the car makers promptly to schedule their security upgrades.

Additionally, Farese emphasized general precautions for all drivers, urging them to remove keys from their vehicles, secure windows and doors, and activate alarm systems to prevent theft. Despite the rise in auto thefts, the precinct remains committed to maintaining public safety and implementing measures to address emerging challenges in the community.

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