IDF Lieutenant Returns to Front Lines Following Severe Injuries on 10/7


Lieutenant “Colonel M.”, commander of the Egoz unit, emerged as a symbol of heroism following severe injuries sustained on October 7th, when a bullet pierced his lung during a confrontation in Kibbutz Kissufim.

Fighting for his life for three weeks on ventilation, he defied the odds and embarked on a remarkable journey of recovery, spending the subsequent three months in intensive rehabilitation.

Yesterday, Lieutenant Colonel M. demonstrated his unwavering courage and commitment to Klal Yisrael by leading the Egoz unit back into Gaza, where they engaged in a fierce battle at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. During the operation, his brigade uncovered medical supplies intended for hostages that had been intercepted.

As he returns to the frontlines, may Lieutenant Colonel M. continue to serve as an inspiration and may Hashem watch over this modern-day hero, as well as all of our selfless soldiers.

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