Rav Yaakov Bender Headlines Nassau Rockaway Misaskim Appreciation Melaveh Malkah [Photos]


By Shabsie Saphirstein

Misaskim of Nassau and Rockaway and their initiative for yesomim and almanos, Project Yedid, held a gala Melaveh Malkah this past evening, Motza’ei Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh showing appreciation to its solid base of devoted volunteers.

The event held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Schulhof featured divrei Torah from master mechanech HaRav Yaakov Bender shlita and a mentalist experience by the great David Blatt.

Rabbi Moshe Hamel, Coordinator, delivered remarks, messages of thanks and appreciation to three standout members: Aaron Shlomo Appelbaum, Menachem Jacobson, and Bentzion Kaminetzky.

A delicious buffet including milkshakes was topped off by the melodies of Kumzitz.

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