LTC Richard Hecht: Painful Reminder of The Heavy Price we Pay; Operation Updates


Yesterday morning, the IDF announced that nine soldiers – including a colonel and a lieutenant colonel – were killed yesterday during fierce combat in Shejaiya. This brings the total IDF casualties to 444, including 115 since the start of the ground operation. This particular case is harrowing, both due to the number of people killed and the seniority.

To understand the event, you need to have the context.

The Shejaiya Battalion is one of Hamas’ 24 battalions across the Gaza Strip. It belongs to the Gaza City Brigade, the largest of Hamas’ five brigades. Shejaiya has always been known as one of Hamas’ major strongholds in the area, with deep Hamas entrenchment in the heart of this very densely populated neighborhood. The battalion had also been involved specifically in the attacks on Nahal Oz and other nearby communities on October 7th.

While the IDF has been operating in northern Gaza for well over a month, the ground operations against the Shejaiya Battalion have intensified since Hamas breached the humanitarian pause on December 1st. Fighting in this area is incredibly challenging, with troops literally going door-to-door and frequently encountering hiding terrorists or explosive devices.

The IDF has had some major successes, killings hundreds of terrorists, but Hamas terrorists continue to pose a threat to the soldiers operating there.

The IDF’s 36th Division has led this fierce fighting, with the Golani Brigade running point.

Which brings us to yesterday.

Yesterday, while fighting in a multi-building complex in the heart of Shejaiya’s Kasbah, IDF forces came under fire. During the course of the battle, additional forces were called to the area and during the course of the ensuing battle – which lasted many hours and included Hamas use of grenades, light arms fire and IEDs, nine IDF soldiers and officers were killed.

This morning, a local radio station hosted an interview with a grandmother whose grandchildren had been rescued by Lieutenant Colonel Tomer Grinberg, one of the officers killed in action.

This – to me – encapsulates what the last sixty days have included.

A horrific attack, like the one in which the grandchildren’s parents were killed.

Heroic rescues of the children.

Steadfast entry back into the battlefield.

Courage in battle.

Shattering, heartbreaking loss shared by an entire nation.

Us and Them

One thing sticks out for me.

Our most senior soldiers are out their on the front lines. They were there on October 7th and they are in the heart of Gaza today, fighting to bring home our hostages, to restore security. Meanwhile, Hamas leadership hides behind their civilians and in the tunnels under Gaza. They killed and abducted Israeli civilians and now hide behind Gazan civilians. And while we mourn for each and every one of our soldiers, while we feel the heartbreaking loss of the 444 tragic deaths, it only deepens our resolve to rid Israel of the threat.

May their memory be a blessing to us all. I know that I will be thinking of them when looking at the Hanukah candles being lit tonight.

Air to Ground

One of the hallmarks of this war has been the incredibly tight-knit collaboration between the Israeli Air Force and ground forces.

For example, yesterday vigilant IDF troops identified a terrorist cell in Shejaiya that was preparing to launch rockets toward Israel. The troops directed an IAF aircraft to strike the terrorist cell and rocket launcher.

Operational Updates

IDF forces continue to target Hamas terror targets and infrastructure across the Gaza Strip. Over the last day, ground, air, and naval forces struck over 250 terror targets. Rocket fire from Gaza towards southern communities in Israel continued as well.

Early this morning, following earlier launches toward Israel earlier today, IDF aircraft and tanks struck a number of military targets belonging to the Syrian Army in Syrian territory. In addition, an IAF fighter jet struck military infrastructure and IDF forces struck a launch post belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanese territory. Rocket fire on Israel continued from the north, with rockets landing in both Lebanon and Israel. IDF soldiers also struck a number of terrorist cells in different locations along the Lebanese border.

Yesterday the remains of Eden Zakaria and (CSM) Ziv Dado were brought back to Israel after being recovered by IDF Special Forces. Eden (27) had been taken hostage from the Re’im music festival and Ziv (36) was taken hostage and fell while serving as a logistics supervisor in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion.

During the operations that enabled this, two IDF soldiers – (MSG) Gal Meir Eisenkot and (MSG) Eyal Meir Berkowitz – fell in battle.

Good tidings ahead.

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